✈️ Fast lane thoughts… I’m currently at the airport in Faro after onboarding a new team member last week, and the experience got me thinking about travel – but also branding.
An airport is the first and last touchpoint anyone has with a city or country. So any experience there will ultimately reflect on that city and country too.
Some airports are flawless. Everything works. Everything fits. Everything makes you want to come back. Think Singapore, Doha, or Munich.
And others are horrible. Rude and lazy staff. Few and bad food options. Lack of seating. The luggage arrives after what feels like an hour. You’re walking marathons through a maze to get to your gate. Inefficiency wherever you look. Think Gatwick, Stansted, Berlin, Frankfurt.
And even though it’s the hub to get to the iGaming industry, Malta airport is known for its rude staff and horribly delayed flights. The Wifi is great, though.
????All of this reflects on the experience you’re going to have or have had with the city/country.
The same goes for running a company!
I believe that every touchpoint our clients and customers have with us should be flawless.
They need to immediately and continuously feel that they’re getting a premium white-glove service from us.
They should want to return because the experience with us is one the best they’ve gotten from any agency/business.
Yes, we’re human too. We have bad days. We make mistakes. But it’s the approach that counts.
???? The bar you set for yourself needs to be high!
We champion the power of being welcoming and approachable.
We over-deliver and value our craft.
We strive for excellence.
We’re protecting our values, and that’s hard work.
We value radical and kind candor, and make everyone feel like family.
We make sure that all of our team members carry the same values and make everyone feel that taking care of the brand is part of their job description.
???? Working with us should feel like flying from Singapore, Doha, or Munich.
And just like that, I’ve written down our mission statement.
For our clients: THIS is what you can expect from us!
For all my other followers: Strive to do your best, and the best will happen to you! #kaizen