????Are You In A Bad Mood On Monday Mornings?!
For many people, there’s this sense of nausea kicking in on a Sunday afternoon.
In my last post, I explained how you should use your Sundays.
This one is about Mondays.
Yes, for some, it’s their job. Well, then change it when it sucks!
For some, it’s working itself. That’s mainly because they haven’t found their passion and authentic self and probably have been held down when growing up. Unless they’re straight-up inherently lazy… But I digress.
???? For most people though, it’s a productivity issue!
Remember how the last days before a holiday are often the most productive? You make a list of what you could be working on and finish your most important tasks…you’re trying to tick them off your to-do list…you want to get them done before your holiday and not be bothered while lying on the beach.
But when a new week starts, you sit in front of this blank sheet without a plan.
And that white space makes you anxious.
Not because there’s a big project waiting, but because you don’t know what to do!
Here’s what you need to do:
Look into your head and last week’s notes (and also your Sunday journal ????).
Which thoughts are you currently walking around with? Write them down!
Look through:
1️⃣ your notes from your last meetings and create action plans. Like I have to do case studies for one of my agencies this week.
2️⃣ your calendar. Were there any meetings for which you haven’t made any notes? Now’s the time.
3️⃣ your sent messages/emails. Are there any follow-ups or action plays you need to create? Are there any messages you haven’t received replies for?
4️⃣ your current tasks and projects: which are the steps you need to get going next?
And just like that, you have a productive Monday morning and can get started.
You could even start this on a Friday evening before you leave work so that everything is set and clear for the new work week, and you can just get going. Relieves much mental stress too!
The more you do this, the more productive you’ll get and the more you’ll start trusting yourself.
???? This will definitely lighten your Monday morning mood!
Do you have a weekly routine for your tasks? ????