Sebastian Scheplitz' Reading List

The following are books I've read myself and that helped shape me into the man I am today. I believe they will add value to you as well. Some maybe more, some maybe less, but value nonetheless.

As an ex-basketball coach and now founder of several businesses, I've been big on pushing boundaries and giving my best, and pushing everyone around me to do the same. The below books are a testament to that.

I’m aiming to keep this list updated, add new books, and scratch some others. If you have more recommendations or would like to see your own book listed here, you can send them over to

The books are categorized by the main topics that interest me and I believe will be interesting to you too: "Marketing & Sales", "Starting a business", "Running your business", "Self-Development", "Leadership" and more. Some of them have an affiliate link, so I'll get a commission when you buy them. But I promise that they're all vetted for value.

Marketing & Sales


Starting and running a business